Friday, February 22, 2008

Wii Time

So poker has been on the back of my mind lately. I think I'm averaging about 2 or 3 SNGs a day and that's dwindling. I haven't sat a cash game in a while. I think I'm gonna take a break since it's not a focus for me right now. It probably has to do with the huge downswing I took at Full Tilt so I'm not really in the mood. I do have to say I barely tilted at all, which is good for me.

Rob and I picked up Super Mario Galaxy today so I think I will work on beating that instead. So far, very good game, but I only had a chance to try it out for an hour and a bit before I had to head to work. Also, for the Wii, Brawl will be out soon and we want to pick that game up too. So a bunch of games to work on for a while before I go back to poker.

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